Helena Michelle Ehukai Brewbaker took us through a rock-covered byway to Kiholo Bay on Hawaii’s Big Island. In the days to follow, she would tell us of her likes & loves, her second grade crush and one of her favorite desserts. ‘Strawberry…no wait! Caramel is my favorite ice cream. And I love Wednesdays!’ She continued on that thought explaining that every day in life is what you make of it. On the afternoon of the shoot, we remember nearing the beach as she declared her absolute love for the water along with her obsession with free diving. But beach days aside, at just fifteen, she is also remarkably grounded. Her words often echoed notes of maturity way beyond her years. Wearing the printed Blue Moroccan Tile one-piece by Tori Praver, she was unknowingly beautiful, as if time hadn’t told her yet. And, with a smile equal only to her heart-stopping gaze, she reminded us of why Wednesdays could be so amazing. Meet Helena.

Swimsuit: Tie Back one-piece in Blue Moroccan Tile

Label: Tori Praver

Collection: Seafoam

Model: Helena Michelle Ehukai Brewbaker

Agency: Niche Models & Talent